Russian Reflexive Pronouns
Russian grammar --> Reflexive Pronouns
Reflexive pronouns are words used to refer back to previously mentioned nouns and pronouns, most often to the subject of the sentence. In Russian, this function is generally performed by pronouns себя, свой and друг друга.
Reflexive pronoun себя
The reflexive pronoun себя refers back to persons or objects performing an action affecting themselves. Most often, the pronoun себя refers to the subject of the sentence, but it can also refer to other parts of the sentence.
Я знал людей всегда довольных собой. - I knew people always pleased with themselves.
The reflexive pronoun себя does not occur in the nominative case and does not change for gender and number.
Case | Себя |
Nom | -- |
Gen | себя |
Dat | себе |
Acc | себя |
Ins | собой |
Prep | себе |
The reflexive pronoun may occur together with the word сам which will agree in gender and number of the noun the reflexive pronoun refers to.
The pronoun себя is used in different idiomatic expressions:
представлять себе - to imagine
вести себя - to behave
чувствовать себя - to feel
быть самим собой - to remain oneself, to be true to oneself
выйти из себя - to loose one's temper
не по себе - not to feel well
само собой (разумеется) - that goes without saying
так себе - so-so, middling
говорить от себя - to speak on one's own, to express one’s own opinion
ничего себе - not so bad
Pronoun свой
The pronoun свой, called reflexive possessive pronoun, means one's own and reflects the ownership to the subject of the verb in a sentence or a clause. (See also: Russian Possessive Pronouns )
Pronoun друг друга
The pronoun друг друга, called reciprocal pronoun, adds the meaning of reciprocity of an action and corresponds to English each other/one another. It consists of two parts: the first indeclinable part друг and the second part друга which declines and takes the case required by the verb, adjective or preposition. If a preposition occurs, it is placed between the two parts.
The table below represents the declension of this pronoun with and without a preposition.
Case | Себя |
Nom | -- |
Gen | друг друга друг от друга |
Dat |
друг другу друг к другу |
Acc | друг друга друг про друга |
Ins | друг другом друг с другом |
Prep | друг о друге |