Learn Russian Alphabet
Reading in Russian --> Russian alphabet exercises
In this section, you will find 3 lessons designed for those who wish to learn the Russian (Cyrillic) alphabet well. Each lessons includes a list of letters (with audio samples) to learn and different interactive exercises that will help you to get familiar with Russian alphabet.
Lessons listing
- Lesson 1. Letters denoting vowel sounds
Russian letters denoting vowel sounds: A, Е, Ё, И, О, У, Ы, Э, Ю, Я.›
- Lesson 2. Letters denoting consonant sounds (part 1)
Russian letters denoting consonant sounds: В, З, К, М, Н, Р, С, Т, Х, Ч.›
- Lesson 3. Letters denoting vowel sounds (part 2)
Russian letters Б, Г, Д, Ж, Й, Л, П, Ф, Ц, Ш, Щ, and signs Ь and Ъ.›
In most exercises of these lessons, tasks are sorted randomly each time you start the exercise, so you can work with them more than once. When you complete all tasks in these exercises, you will see your results, including total number of tasks and correct answers. We recommend you to complete the exercise once more, if your total result is less than 90%.